simply smitten
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
A Fresh Bedroom

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Recent Acquisitions

image by kristin kerr luber for simply smitten
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Inspired by Cynthia Frank

I know, I know....I took a very long break from the blog - But let me say this: When one steps away from the internet for a bit and focuses on business, one gets a whole lot accomplished and finds new sources of inspiration! One also ends up swooning over other people's homes and contemplating selling everything you own and starting over!
One such home is that of Elle Decor contributing editor, Cynthia Frank! I've loved Cynthia's style for a while now and didn't even realize it - turns out photographer Claiborne Swanson Frank consulted Cynthia, her mother-in-law, while decorating her lovely New York apartment (blogged about here). Now I'm being a little exaggerated when I say I now want to sell everything I own and start over - I just really love this home. Those vintage plaster lamps made me sigh and the black and white marble floor! This inspired me to add a little bit more color to my home for summer and was the overall style inspiration for my "Girl on a Budget" project (which I share more on later) - think lots of white and pops of color!
I put together a Cynthia inspired board above with some great pieces from Horchow (they're having an incredible sale right now), West Elm and Etsy. That rope coffee table has my name written all over it! Granny chic, what?
Where do you get decor inspiration from?
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