Happy Monday! Despite the cold weather, the weekend couldn't have been more lovely and as usual, it went by too quickly. On Saturday I woke up bright and early and made the short trek up north to the Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques Fair. My mom and I spent several hours walking around more than a hundred booths including one of my favorites T. J. Antorino above. Before I share what I bought, I thought I would give you the highlights of the show. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Jeffrey Henkel + Brennan & Mouilleseaux Antiques

A lovely Neoclassic collection in Alessandra Branca's booth. I was tempted to pack up the entire table setting - including the Bagues ship chandelier- and bring it home with me. Stunning, right?

I was seriously considering purchasing this zebra hide from Bleeker Street Antiques — I love the rich toffee color.

A chic pair of pineapple lamps from Settings, Inc and a fabulous Baker chest of drawers with lion head pulls from Giant Mushroom Company's. 

Photos by Kristin Kerr for Simply Smitten
I was going to go to this and got too lazy. Looks like there was some amazing stuff!