Albert Hadley once said that there should be at least one red accent in every room. I couldn't agree with him more. Red is such a powerful color that can instantly add energy and drama to a room. It feels daring and bold, while at the same time warm and intimate. Red walls add spice while red furniture catches your eye. While in a neutral environment red can be used through accent pieces like a lamp, a cashmere throw, or a bunch of red roses. It works well with other colors, particularly yellows and blues ( I love it with cadet blue, like the curtains above). For interiors, some use the color proudly, such as Nick Olsen, while others use it in a more subtle way. However you choose to use it, perhaps you might find some inspiration in the photos above. On the left is a monochromatic red outfit from the CĂ©line fall 2010 lookbook and on the right, Andy and Kate Spade's cozy, red den. To me, this room is supremely chic, the red is perfect and the canary yellow chair sings to me!
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